The Leader in Djembe, Cajon & Hand Drums for Beginners and Pros.

The Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

Ever pondered on playing an instrument like the djembe or a guitar, but thought it was not worth your time? Think again! Music is beneficial to everybody. There are thousands of reasons to convince yourself that playing an instrument is worth every minute.

Several studies show that playing music helps develop the cognitive skills of children and adolescents. It also instills self-discipline, builds confidence, increases productivity and socially connects kids and teens with their peers. Music also relaxes the soul and uplifts the spirit; thus, reducing the stress level on the body.

Here are 10 benefits of playing a musical instrument:

1. Better intellectual capacity

Researchers say that children, who play an instrument or those who are exposed to music, perform better in school. Simple tunes and classical music help students concentrate, focus their minds on the activity and retain more information. Studies also show that exposing the children to music positively affects their IQ, reading age, and the development of certain parts of the brain. An adult mind stays active, alert and has better memory when they play an instrument.

2. Discipline and patience

Learning to play an instrument is like learning to speak another language. You need to practice every day and have the discipline to master playing your instrument. Music also lengthens the attention span of its player.

3. Relieves stress

Playing an instrument relaxes the body and calms the mind. Creating music can soothe the mind, calm tempers and even lower blood pressure. Music also helps in creative problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, and effective communication.

4. Sense of achievement

Music helps build confidence and give a sense of achievement. It can be frustrating for a beginner to play their first piece. But once you have mastered it, the satisfaction you will feel is priceless. Hard work pays off in music when you dedicate yourself studying music.

5. Communicate your emotions

If you are looking for an outlet for your emotions, play a djembe rather than punch a punching bag. If you feel sad and lonely, play something slow. If you are happy and elated, play something loud and joyful.

Music also helps adolescents control their emotions and cope with difficult and complicated situations, such as peer pressure, pressures of study and family, substance abuse, the pain of loss or abuse, and the dynamics of friendships and social life.

7. Emanate your personal style

Have you ever tried playing rock “n” roll on a flute? Music gives the freedom to be your own self, be different, somebody you thought you could never be.

8. Teamwork

Musicians play with other musicians who make each other feel belongingness. They combine their talents to show off their musical abilities and make music they cannot play on their own. They share ideas and values to work together on sound, tempo and style.

9. Physical Workout

Music is also good for the body. It can strengthen your facial muscles, arms, fingers and hands, even your legs. Breathing on wind instruments can also improve your endurance.

10. Bragging Rights

Music is in. People cannot look down at you when you can play an instrument.

11. Fun!

Though it takes a lot of hard work, music is fun. It is the key to life. It can open up a lot of good possibilities that will definitely enrich your life. You will be able to share your skill with your family and friends.

29th Oct 2014

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