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Toca Percussion

Toca Player Series Timbale 14" Hoop (TP-T1314-14)

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Toca Sympatika Shaker: Simple "Soft" And Super!

Sometimes the simplest ideas provide the most intriguing potential. Such is the case with Toca's new Sympatika Shaker (TSS-N).

The design couldn't be simpler: Two small, hollow wooden balls containing shaker fill are connected by a short length of cord. What gives that design its intriguing potential is the variety of ways in which the Sympatika Shaker can be played, and the subtle musical nuances it can create.

The Sympatika can be played as two separate shakers simply by holding one of the balls in each hand (with the connecting cord slack). The soft fill material striking the thin shells of the balls creates a delicate shaker sound. A louder version of this sound can be achieved by putting both of the balls into one hand and shaking them together. Yet a third—and uniquely original—sound can be created by holding one of the balls and swinging the other ball around the hand at the end of the cord. This allows the two balls to strike together, adding a percussive "click" to the shaker rhythm.

The design of the Sympatika Shaker may be simple, but its construction quality is state-of-the-art. The lightweight but durable hardwood balls are finished in a high gloss that highlights the natural beauty of the wood. And they're connected by the same Alpine low-stretch cord used for Toca's rope-tension djembes.

The Toca Sympatika Shaker is easy to play, easy on the ears, and easy to fit into a percussionist's bag of tricks. It's also easy on the budget, which makes picking up a Sympatika Shaker an easy decision to make.


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2 Reviews

  • 3
    Be careful

    Posted by Phil on 12th Dec 2014

    I loved the sympatika shaker. I got two sets, one was doing very well and the other set came apart after 10mi.'s use. Toca is getting me another one.Ya!

  • 4
    Expanding the beat

    Posted by Andrew Eisenberg on 29th Jul 2014

    The cascas as its known in other cultures, provides a one-handed shaker/block part to the rhythm. You won't use it in everything but when you do it will add an interesting texture. I've been using it every day for about a week and there is no issues. The shells sound rather thin so I have to believe at some point it will crack. Until then though it's an interesting addition to the rhythm and I would recommend it to anyone looking to take complex solo or small group rhythms in different places.

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