Toca's new Traditional Series Congas and Bongos are an impressive combination of a contemporary finish and classic conga design. Made from two-ply, plantation grown Asian Oak, the Traditional Series Conga shells feature a slender, Afro-Cuban profile that produces impressive volume and resonance.
A spectacular dark walnut finish and gleaming chrome hardware give the drums a statuesque look that is truly worthy of the name, "Traditional Series." As an additional aesthetic touch, the Toca logo is branded into the surface of the drum shell.
The drum's matched top grade bison head is secured with a traditional hoop with an extended collar. Six lugs are built into the drum, giving it a broad tuning range.
12 1/2" Traditional Series Tumba (3912-1/2D)
Head Size: 12 1/2"
Lugs: 6
Drum Dimension Top: 12 1/2"
Drum Dimension Middle: 15 3/4"
Drum Dimension Bottom: 9"
Height: 30"
Weight: 27 1/2 lbs.